Mark Rogers
Facility Maintenance

I was raised as a Navy brat. We moved around the country and the world throughout my formative years. We continued to move around and by the time I was a senior in high school we had landed in Glendora, California. I met my wife in the music program at a community college and after the first year I change my major to Sue. We were married in 1968 and the Lord has blessed us with three children, seven grandchildren, and one great granddaughter.
When we first married, we both believed but didn’t think we needed a church. It wasn’t until years later that we were led to a small Baptist church by a good friend. We were both so blessed by the friends and fellowship we found there and served on the Worship Team.
I found a job in Orange County, and we landed in Laguna Niguel. We started worshiping at Mission Hills Church in 2003 and formally joined in 2004. I have had the honor of serving the Lord and our MHC family in various capacities over the years. Our cups are truly running over!