High School

Mission Hills

High School

Mission Hills Student Ministries exists to love God, make disciples, and equip the saints. We believe our students are integral to the life of our church & play an important role in God’s Kingdom. Our team of staff and screened leaders are committed to walking with our students through High School and nurturing Christ-centered relationships.


In High School Ministry we center our Sunday gatherings around studying God’s Word together verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter. Our Wednesday “Youth Nights” are designed for students to invite their friends who may not know Jesus that they might experience the radical love of God. We welcome all high school students to join us! 

Service Times

We gather Sundays at 11:30am and Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in the Underground.

What To Expect in Our

High School Mid Week

The school year can be very stressful for many reasons, and we want to give our students a Midweek experience where they can recharge, have fun, and grow in community together.

Students and their friends can join us each Wednesday from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.


Winter Camp

Winter Camp is an annual gathering with the goal of providing a space for middle school and high school students to encounter Jesus. This year's theme is "Holy Fire" based off of Jerremiah 20:5 "But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding back, and I could not."

Our Prayer is to see the rising generation on fire for Jesus!


Bowling Night

High School Ministry is going bowling! Join us on Wednesday, February 28th from 7-9pm. Meet us at Saddleback Lanes in Mission Viejo. All high school-aged students are welcome to join us. We'll pay for your admission and shoe rental! Just come be with us and make some new friends! (dinner not provided)



We are always planning awesome events that we think you'd really enjoy. Come and hang out with us, it's a great chance to meet new friends and make lasting memories. We can't wait to hang out with you. 

Summer Studies

Everyday we are bombarded with non-biblical views of sexuality. Many people, both Christians and non-Christians, have bought into the lies of the sexual revolution, believing that our sexuality defines who we are as humans. This has brought about much pain and confusion surrounding the topics of identity and sexuality. In an environment such as this, it is critical to know, understand, and be equipped to share the Bible's view of sexuality with others.

In this series from Summit Ministries, you'll learn to graciously share the truth about sexuality, freeing those trapped in the bondage of the sexual revolution. Learn from expert teachers John Stonestreet, Christopher Yuan, Andrew Walker, and Michael Sherrard. " -RIGHTNOW MEDIA

High School students are invited to join Pastor Nick for this year's Summer Studies: Identity & Sexuality

These classes are meant for High School students and will be held at Mission Hills Church on Tuesday from 10am - 12pm. $10 Tuition fee will cover the cost of supplies for the class. Pastor Nick will host the content provided by RIGHTNOW MEDIA and students will engage with each other via group discussion. You can pre-register for the class here

Below is the schedule we'll follow:

  • July 11th - A Christian Response to Homosexuality
  • July 18th - Responding to the Transgender Debate
  • July 25th - How to Talk about Sexual Ethics, Politics, and Religion

Register Here

Mission Hills Staff

High School

Jake Saenz
Student Ministries Pastor


At Mission Hills Church, we live for God's pleasure by SERVING those who don't know Christ, and STRENGTHENING those who do.


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4th - 6th

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Jr. High

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High School

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Young Adults

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